To find the download files, please go to the purchase page of the website you got the avatar from. It’s most likely Gumroad, Ko-Fi or if you can’t remember.

Setup Instructions


If you are having difficulty or need video instructions, try this video here. Please note that it may become out of date at some point in the future, whereas the documentation will always have the most up to date information.

  1. Ensure that you have the correct Unity version installed. Check here:

  2. Follow the steps for setting up a project with the VRC SDK 3 here:

  3. Download the newest release of Poiyomi Toon Shader from here: You only need the version called 8.x or higher, you do not need the 7.x version. If in doubt, just grab what’s newest.

  4. Download the UnityPackage for Pilli. It might be worth checking that what you have is the newest available version.

  5. While your Unity project is open, double click on the Poiyomi Toon Shader Unitypackage. This should open an import dialogue from within Unity to bring the files into your project.

  6. Double click on the Pilli UnityPackage. This should also open an import dialogue to bring the files into your project.

  7. There should be a ‘Project’ panel open at the bottom of your Unity project. Within it, there should be a VRCSDK folder, a folder called _PoiyomiShader, and a folder called Mold. Double click on the Mold folder, then double click on the Pilli folder.

  8. Double click the scene contained within this folder. It should be called something like “Pilli B3.6” or higher number.


  9. Within the Scene window (big middle one) you should see multiple versions of the Avatar in T-pose. On the left side is your Hierarchy window, which should have the names of multiple versions of the avatar.

Demo Version has 3.0 menu options to view the different skins on the avatar in real-time. It also has an “About” option that shows the information about the avatar. This is an exact copy of the publicly cloneable version of the avatar.

Classic, Candy and Pastel are the names of the skins created for this avatar. These versions are all identical copies of the avatar without the demo features. The skin can not be changed live. All other features are present.

  1. On the top panel of Unity, go to VRChat SDK and then enter your information to log into your account, if needed.

  2. Go to the Builder tab. Make sure that the version of the avatar you wish to upload is selected in light grey. Alternating rows in this box are shaded light and dark grey, so if this confuses you and you don’t know which version you have selected, you can hide the other versions of the avatar and they will no longer show up in builder.

    TIP: In order to hide an avatar from view and from the builder, go to the Hierarchy window on the left side, click on the name of the avatar that you wish to hide, and then uncheck the checkbox next to the name in the Inspector window, like so. The hidden avatar’s name will now be dark blue in the hierarchy and no longer show up in the scene.

  3. Click the box that says “Build & Publish for Windows”.

  4. After loading, Unity should switch from Scene View to Game View. If you can’t read all the text, or things seem pixelated or weird, don’t worry! That’s normal! There’s a Scale slider above the window that allows you to make the view larger or smaller.

    Fill in your information, check the last check box and hit upload. This will open some loading dialogues that may take a few minutes to complete. Once it is complete, it will tell you to open VRChat.

    Suggestion: Check for any issues in Desktop first before testing them in VR. In VRChat, go to the Recently Uploaded tab within Avatars and change into the avatar you just uploaded. Sometimes it is slow and may take a few minutes to show up.

    1. Press the R key and go to Expression Menu within the circular menu. Play with the options and make sure that they are doing what they are supposed to.
    2. Hit Shift + F1 - F12 to ensure that the expressions are working as they should.
    3. Now you can make any adjustments that you wish to the avatar or test the avatar in VR if you are using it. If everything is successful in VR, you should be looking yourself in the eyes when you look straight ahead in the mirror. Doing different hand gestures should be toggling different expressions. The expression menu should function exactly as before. You’re done!